Manga Review: Fruits Basket Vol. 1 & 2 by Natsuki Takaya

Publication: 2004
# of Pages: 204
Source: Library Book 

A family with an ancient curse...

And the girl who will change their lives forever...

Tohru Honda was an orphan with no place to go until the mysterious Sohma family offered her a place to call home. Now her ordinary high school life is turned upside down as she's introduced to the Sohma's world of magical curses and family secrets.

A quite popular manga, Fruits Basket explores the relationship between Tohru and the Sohma family. What I love most about this first volume was how the Chinese zodiac was incorporated into the main story-line. The personalities of the Sohma family really reflects the same characters of the Chinese zodiac. Another one of my favorite aspects of the first volume was the personality of the main character Tohru. She was so sweet and endearing and was definitely willing to do so much for the Sohma family. Even the level of respect and thoughtfulness she showed everyone was extraordinary. After reading this volume I really saw Tohru as being the glue that held the family together. 

Publication: 2004
# of Pages: 194
Source: Library Book 

Ever since Tohru Honda discovered the Zodiac secret of the Sohma clan, her eyes have opened to a world of magic and wonder. But with such a great secret comes great responsibility. When her best friends Hana-chan and Uo-chan come to the Sohma home for a sleepover, Tohru has her work cut out for her keeping the "Cat" in the bag and the "Dog" on a leash.

This volume was just as cute if not cuter than the first volume. What was really great about this volume was the character development. One of the main characters in the first volume was extremely rude and mean, but this volume really showed a softer side of him and it made me really dislike the family curse because it definitely puts him at a disadvantage. Tohru is still as sweet as ever and definitely exhibits the qualities of a strong main character. She has been through a lot and still has a heart of gold. This volume really sealed in my love for the manga and definitely made me want to continue the series.



  1. Glad you are enjoying this! My favorite characters in the series are Momijo, Kyo, Tohru and Hatori. Whenever you get a bit further in the series I would love to hear which are your favorites!

    1. I definitely will be posting a review on the later volumes! :)

  2. I'm so happy that you're liking this series! Like Jay, my favorite characters are Momigo, Kyo, and Tohru. I hope you love the upcoming volumes.

    1. Yes I love it! I definitely will be doing a review on the future volumes.

  3. Yey!! I love Fruits Basket. I have seen the anime, but I still need to read the mangas! I need to get on that soon. Great reviews! I just love Kyo. :D

    1. Read the manga! It's just as great as the anime! :)
