Ten Sheep to Sleep by Nidhi Kamra

Published: June 30th, 2017 
# of Pages: 22
Source: Review Copy from Author 

Sammy Jo counts ten sheep to put her to sleep, but tonight, ten more sheep appear. The new sheep are creating a ruckus. Sammy Jo has to find a way to calm the sheep down, count twenty sheep, and ensure everyone is happy so they can get a good night's sleep.

Suggested age range for readers: 5-8

This was definitely a great concept book. As a library assistant, I often see authors and illustrators develop counting books that focus on counting by ones. This book introduces a new concept: counting by twos. It definitely is great way to prepare those children who are learning more complex methods associated with math. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that concept applied towards the end of the book. One of the other interesting aspects of this book was the illustrations. They had an easy going flow to them that made them "perfectly imperfect." I could be wrong in my assumption but I'm pretty sure the illustrator used water color as the medium. Either way, the pictures turned out great and definitely remained associated with the content of the book. 

One of the best things about this book is the fact that it focuses on concept skills as well as problem solving skills. Our main character knows that she can't handle dealing with twenty sheep so she must develop a method that allows her to not only keep her sanity, but also allows every single sheep to stay. I definitely didn't expect to see that element; however, she actively came up with solutions and when they didn't work she started to develop new ones. I don't think people always realize how important problem solving skills can be especially during a child's development. The author did an amazing job incorporating that theme. I would recommend this to early elementary students and their parents. It would be a great book to read during the evening time. I personally would love a hardcover copy of this for the days I do morning and evening storytime at the library.


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